It's about that time of year when we get to celebrate our separation from those damn Britons. These days, in an inescapable global interdependence in which no one is exempt... I generally like to think of myself as a multiculturalist. (I think others will eventually follow suit). Thus, national holidays don't generally exact a high level of patriotism out of me. Especially with the current complexity regarding my relationship to my national homeland. America. However, these holidays do get me quite thrilled. No, not of any homogeneous, nationalistic pride, excreted by trumped-up symbolism... but rather, excitement for the partaaaay! July 4th for myself is up there with New Years, Guy Fawkes Night and Summer Solstice. There's little better than eye-gasmic pyrotechnics exploding in the air over beautiful waterfronts whilst sipping a cold, inebriating beer on a warm, summer night. Northern merchants hand-in-hand with Southern farmers in outlandish toasts of "yee-haaws!!" and "brrooo!!"
Then of course, there's the stomping beats to dance the night away in total freedom. Bless our founding father's for their vision, even if those ideals are in a state of flux as time carries history. For all my Santa Barbara locals and vacationers coming to California's "paradise" for the weekend, there will be plenty of activities to keep your mind, body and soul inundated throughout the day and night. However, I can guarantee with absolute scientific precision, that the place to be in the 805 this Independence Day is Red's Wine Bar.

(Photos courtesy Michael McCann Phtography ©)
This July 4th, Underground Souls presents "Short Fuse". (The same collective that brought you the dance floor kinetics last year is back on it again -- just a few blocks away from the West Beach's fireworks display). If you're not familiar with the US crew, they have been throwing underground parties for a few years now. After building a local following in the 805, they have begun to showcase themselves more actively in clubs and other venues throughout Santa Barbara. It's not just the amazing beats and technically well-mixed sets ranging from sub-genres of techno to house to trip hop, then back full circle. Diverse as they all are, this crew encompasses a full sound which maintains a constant state of energy and unity throughout. It's the souls of these people. That's probably why US prides itself on being "souled out, not sold out." Which happens to be something I wish the other "U.S." would do). The close knit relationships of the DJs to the people they play for creates a positive environment unmatched in the Santa Barbara dance scene. Completely open to all people who come with this positivity; sharing life's energy with one human to another, one bass at a time.
Like any dope party, the family of supporters is most important. At they're parties I've come across some of the most pure-hearted individuals I've ever met... surprising, since I've only known them for less than a year. Myself being a complete bass head, usually preferring Dubstep, DnB and Hip-Hop, I generally find myself passing up those events as of late, in order to party with US. That's saying a lot personally, considering the level of passion toward my particular music interests. But the energy their events put into the atmosphere is addictive. If you've never been to their parties, one can't help but feel so much love and affection from "strangers." And not in that odd, substance-induced, full-trip way. Just pure hearts and open minds.

(Photos courtesy Michael McCann Phtography ©)
My point is, the anticipated escape to a night with the Underground Souls is something that always brings a smile to my face. I keep typing, but the words can't describe it. You just have to experience it for yourself. The next opportunity is this Sunday, July 4th @ Red's Wine Bar.
::Talent and Line up::
Lyricist IZE (Limbz, Cornerstone) will be rocking the mic.
3:00 - 4:30- Tag Team Set
4:30 - 5:45 - Cam (Deep House, Disco House)
5:45 - 7:00 - Joshua James (Disco House, Classic Chicago House)
7:00 - 8:15 - Rene (Micro Funk)
8:15 - 9:30 - Juntrik (Funky House, Electro)
9:15 - 10:00 - Fireworks (BOOM BOOM BOOM) -
Just a couple blocks away @ West Beach, Cabrillo Blvd.
10:00 - 11:15 - Level + Lyricist IZE (Jackin' House)
11:15 - 12:30 - KP Ward (Tech House)
12:30 - 2:00 - Niko (Techno, House)
As opposed to last year, the entire parking lot will be ready to rock with a full sound system. Lighting will also include HD 3D visuals with the first 200 receiving the appropriate eye wear. Oh and don't forget the awesome fire spinners, BBQ, drink specials, beautiful people and of course, the left speaker.
Now retaining residency at EOS night club with the next event July 23rd. (Keep up to date through Blacklight Special's blog, linked below). With this momentum, US are making some great moves within the Santa Barbara community. So get up and get out this weekend... and don't forget those reds, whites and grooves! P.E.A.C.E.

(Photos courtesy Michael McCann Phtography ©)
I'd also like to thank Michael McCann for the photos. Always on point with the camera. You can catch him shooting for SB Nightlife and his own individual excursions in film, including US parties when available. Check out some of his work below! Bless.
Michael McCann Photography:
Link: http://www.sbnightlife.com/
Link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikephantasmic/sets/
Underground Souls:
Link: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=125300537511146&ref=mf
Link: http://tbsp.wordpress.com/
Redial Replay [Promo Mix] by The Blacklight Special