Friday, February 19, 2010

The Answer

Still trying to piece together just what the fuck this be about... but whatever it is: Power to the people. At first my goal was to figure out if I genuinely liked this madness, or rather, if I simply listened for the novelty such an outlandish act brings out. (i.e. Sage Francis coming on stage in a Jedi robe to spit a mouthful of water on the front-row hoppers). Nonetheless, Die Antwoord, Afrikaans for "The Answer," certainly have put together a unique formula... the answer will come once this electric worldwide-hype subsides. But since my early introduction a few days ago, I've zefinitely decided these South African rats got some next level, full-flex business to handle; like opening for the Cape Town World Cup this summer. Yes, I'm certifiably serious... Or insane.

With some A-grade expert quality shit, Ninja, Yolandi and Hi-Tek perfectly demonstrate the 21st century ability for anyone to make music; to express themselves in whatever twisted mentality they please. My personal mind-state can barely comprehend the bustin' dance moves in Pink Floyd boxershorts to hyphed-up rhymes about ninjas and 'zef-style' only to be topped off with a progerian survivor avatar interchanged frequently with unspoken producer DJ Hi-Tek. Wait...what?!? Just peep the videos on my interwebz, man. These fools got mad zef-appeal which got me mad hyped for the US tour. P.E.A.C.E.

pro·ger·i·a (prō-jîr'ē-ə):
n. A rare congenital disorder of childhood that is characterized by rapid onset of the physical changes typical of old age, usually resulting in death before the age of 20. Also called Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome. [pro-2 + Greek gēras old age,geriatrics + -ia1.]

Check this new single -- Available for free download at

Die Antwoord - Jou Ma se Poes in 'n Fishpaste Jar

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Diamonds in the Rain

^...but it certainly doesn't hurt.

It's raining in beautiful Santa Barbara at the moment, which got me on a down-tempo vibe and thinking of London hailstorms. I must say I don't care much for UK hip-hop. To me, it often sounds out-dated and poorly produced compared to the diverse 'pioneer-experienced' American palate.

Artists such as Roots Manuva, Skinnyman, Braintax, Kaleshnakoff, Black Twang and Jehst (just to name a few) are some exceptional emcees/producers
. I also really appreciate how the size and interconnectedness of the UK allows for these amazing hip-hop heads to collaborate together within their respective underground scene. A sentiment that I wish would happen more in the vast badlands of the US.

As a whole, however, I generally find UK hip-hop to be pretty weak... Or rather, not up to potential --that's potential, not standard-- considering their culture's ingenuity. I mean that as sincerely as possible knowing full-well Britain's urban scene is uncompromisingly outstand
ing. A full year back stateside from the UK, and still grime has managed to far surpass my listening interest over American hip-hop; something I never thought could happen. Trip-hop's now dated, but massive impact need not be mentioned. So Although I don't feel too much of Britain's hip-hop, there are still plenty of diamonds in the rain. But of all places... in Cardiff? P.E.A.C.E.